Welcome to Khanversations on Religious Perspectives on Pandemics
In these Khanversations I speak to scholars and students of different faiths to understand their scriptures and teachings that can help people find some meaning in these catastrophic times. These Kannversations also allow us to get a better sense of our own faith teachings specially when they resonate in different forms in other faiths. The richness of plurality with which human beings worship God, is a thing of beauty in itself and in these interviews one can sense the depth of compassion for human suffering and the variety of forms that devotion can take. I am extremely grateful to Sheikh Abd Al-Hadi, Rev. Dr. Greg Jones, Rabbi Michael S. Beals and Shri Ajit Karnik for taking time out in this critical time to speak with me and share their wisdom.
Folks I had a very interesting conversation with Sheikh Abd Al-Hadi, the Imam of the Islamic Society of Delaware on the Islamic history and theology of plagues and pandemics. We discuss the teachings of the Quran and Prophetic traditions (Hadith) and their application to our present crisis. Sheikh Abd Al-Hadi explains the history fo plagues and how it impact Muslim society and Islamic thinking and provides very useful suggestions and recommendations to the community to state safe and be spiritual. Click here to view the video.
Christian Teachings to Face Coronavirus Pandemic | A Khanversation with Rev. Dr. Gregory Jones
Rev. Dr. Gregory Jones is the senior pastor at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware, in this conversation with Dr. Khan talks about Christian scriptures and values and how they can be understood in the light of modern realities. He also explains how he ministers his Church in these difficult times and how his community is facing the challenges of the pandemic and working to help each other.

Ajit Karnik, a student of Hinduism and other religions, explains how Hindu traditions and practices can help people be safe from pandemics like Covid19. He talks about Vegetarianism, Yoga, cleanliness and compassion. This is part of Dr. Muqtedar Khan’s Khanversations on Faith teachings and the struggle against Coronavirus pandemic.