My Personal battle for India’s Soul
India’s culture, politics and it pluralistic ethos are being transformed by an intolerant and hateful ideology. As an American of Indian origin, I am appalled that India’s secular democracy is being eroded by Hindu nationalism making the material and spiritual lives of religious minorities extremely vulnerable. On this page I plan to wage a personal struggle to preserve the India that I cherish. Here you will find my recent articles and video commentaries and lectures on India. I hope you find these sources informative and thought provoking. Please share with your friends and your networks. Fellow academics, do use them in your classes.
Forthcoming Lecture on The State of Indian Muslims at the Annual Convention of ISNA from September 5-6, 2020. I will post the link when available. This lecture is part of a special session hosted by Indian Muslim Relief and charities (IMRC).
India Could Become the Next Breeding Ground for Radicalism 
This article was published in The National Interest on January 7, 2020.
The way India has clamped down on Kashmir, the only Muslim majority state of India since August and the systematic violation of human rights there and across the country can only be described as state-sponsored Islamophobia. Click to read.
(Dis)integrating Muslims, Dismantling India
This article was published in The Diplomat on Dec 30, 2019.
India, where Muslims have been at home for more than a millennium, is trying its hardest to alienate, disenfranchise, and disintegrate them. Click to Read.
Congressional Briefing on India
This is a recording of my presentation at the Congressional Briefing on India organized by the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC). This presentation essentially reflects on the two reports on the Human Rights situation in India, issued by the Department of State and the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Click to watch video.
Reflections on Independence Day
India Celebrates 74th Independence Day on August 15th, 2020. Dr. Muqtedar Khan reflects on India’s achievements in the areas of education, economy and democracy and its challenges in regional geopolitics and domestic harmony. Click to watch the video.