Muslim Public Affairs Journal
Dr. M. A. Muqtedar Khan
Editorial Interns
Sania Mirza
Muhammad M. Hussain
Dr. Nayyer Ali, Chairman
Dr. Maher Hathout
Dr. Gasser Hathout
Dr. Laila al-Marayati
Mr. Omar Ricci
Mr. Ramsey Hakim

The Muslim Public Affairs Journal is published by the Muslim Public Affairs Council.
Its mission is to engage American Muslims and the American Muslim perspective in the public policy, political and moral debates that shape the interests, core values and identity of our society.
Review of Public Policy
ISPU Domestic Policy Brief: Institutional Failure in the Response to Hurricane Katrina
James E. Hanley
ISPU Foreign Policy Brief: Iran’s Nuclear Program: What Does the Current Impasse Mean?
Mahmood Monshipouri
Who’s on First? What Role Do the US Policy Makers Want to Play in the Islamic Financial Services Industry?
Adnan N. Ozair
Message to Washington: Get Serious About Development
Jeffrey D. Sachs
American Muslims and Public Diplomacy
M. A. Muqtedar Khan
Review of Mideast Affairs
The Promise of Arab Liberals
Tamara Wittes
The Developing Iranian Civil Society: Governmental or Non-Governmental Organisations?
Roja Fazaeli
Bush Again Resorts to Fear-Mongering to Justify Iraq Policy
Stephen Zunes
Normalization or Further Capitulation?
Junaid S. Ahmad
Stunning Role Reversals in Pakistan
Sukaina Taqi
India the Emerging Management Giant
M. A. Muqtedar Khan
Review of Islamic Affairs
Imam Shafii: The Aristotle of Jurisprudence
Asma Afsaruddin
Change Agents: The Voices of Muslim Reformers
Charles Strohmer
Prof. Fazlur Rahman: A Contemporary Scholar of Classical Dimensions (1919-1988)
Mumtaz Ahmad
Reform as Resistance
Dilnawaz A. Siddiqui
Review of Global Affairs
Muslim Immigration to Europe
Mark J. Miller
Globalization and the Emerging Challenge of Islam in Asia
Asghar Ali Engineer
Review of Community Affairs
Challenges and Opportunities for the Progressive Muslim in North America
Omid Safi
Drowning in the Melting Pot
Kenji Yoshino
How to Start an Amnesty International Chapter in Your Community
Juris Pupcenoks
To get a copy of the issue contact:
MPAC Los Angeles
3010 Wilshire Blvd. #217
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Tel: (213) 383-3443
Fax: (213) 383-9674
MPAC Washington, D.C.
110 Maryland Ave. N.E. Suite 304
Washington, D.C. 20002
Tel: (202) 547-7701
Fax: (202) 547-7704
To submit an article contact:
Dr. Muqtedar Khan